Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Medications That Shorten Your Life

Anyone who has followed my blog or heard me talk can tell you that I'm not the biggest fan of conventional medical treatments.  While there are times when they are necessary and life saving, when it comes to long term disease care, modern medicine fails miserably.  In this week's blog, I'll detail a class of medications that brings billions of dollars a year into BigPharma's pockets, all the while killing Americans.

According to a recent study published in The British Medical Journal, sleep medications in general, but hypnotics specifically, can increase your risk of death by up to 532% over a 30 month period.  Sleep medications entail several classes, including barbituates, tranquilizers, hypnotics, and even over the counter anti-histamines.

Since 1998, the hypnotic class has taken over the sleeping pill marketplace, rapidly supplanting both barbituates and tranquilizers as the drug of choice for insomniacs.  These drugs include Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata, and Restoril, along with their not so distant cousins Halcion and Dalmane.  These medications have steadily crept up the charts of drug use, and it is estimated that as of 2010, 6-10% of Americans utilize these on an at least occasional basis.

Much research has gone into deciding how much sleep we need, when we need it, and which medications can help us get it.  Unfortunately, this research has shown for a long time that all of these medications increase the risk of death, but it wasn't until this recent study that all obvious confounding factors were ruled out.  While some believe that it was the insomnia that created the increased risk, we now know that just by taking sleeping pills, you are more likely to die.

The study looked at over 10,000 subjects who used sleeping pills, and matched each with two non-sleeping pill users of similar age, same sex, and smoking status.  In addition, they accounted for ethnicity, alcohol use, marital status, and BMI (height/weight) to ensure accurate results.  No study to date has eliminated as many factors while studying sleep medication effects in this large of a population.

The results of this study were remarkable, and bring into question the safety of this medication class altogether.  In those patients who were prescribed 1-18 pills per year, they saw an increased death rate of 360%.  If the prescription rose to between 18 and 132 pills per year, the death rate rose to 443% compared to the control group.  At over 132 pills prescribed per year, there was a whopping 532% increased risk of death.  This study simply looked at prescriptions, not whether or not they were actually used.  However, the prescription of over 18 pills per year insinuates significant use.

What can explain this extraordinary death risk associated with sleeping pills?  Why are they so dangerous?  Unfortunately, we don't have all the answers, but we do have some theories based on actions and effects.

Sleeping Pills increase sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea is a condition where the person stops breathing for a time during sleep.  Normally, the person wakes with a sudden snort which interrupts their sleep some, but they then resume sleeping.  In those who take sleeping pills, we see the sleep centers of the brain suppressed, and an increase in sleep apnea.  In some of these patients, they don't wake with a snort, but die in their sleep from a lack of oxygen to the brain.

Sleeping Pills increase daytime drowsiness.  You would think that by taking a sleep aid, you would be more attentive and awake the following day.  The research shows the opposite is true.  Because these sleep aids stay in the body for at least 12-18 hours, the day after is normally a day where the person is less attentive and has a harder time staying awake.  For those who take these pills habitually, they are in a constant fog.  This can lead to a variety of problems, the least of which is falls and accidents.  We see a significant increase in both in those who use medical sleep aids.

Sleeping Pills disinhibit aversive behaviors.   Hypnotic sleep aids make the user less likely to recognize dangerous situations and change their behavior to avoid them.  The example is of mice who, when they push a button, get an electric shock.  Normal mice stop pushing the button pretty quickly.  Mice on sleep aids, however, continue to push the button and receive the shock.  It's like they can't learn that the button has bad consequences, and so forget that it's bad to push.

Sleeping Pills turn your brain off.  After taking a sleep aid, parts of the brain stop working, while other parts continue.  This creates the "Ambien Zombie" who is sound asleep, yet appears normal as they walk, drive, or raid the fridge.  If you combine this "Ambien Zombie" effect with the disinhibition efffect, you can have someone who can act without knowing what they are doing, or that the action is dangerous or wrong.  There are reports of these medications being suspected as complicit in some criminal cases.

Sleeping Pills don't increase sleep by much.  Amazing as it may seem, sleep aids only increase sleep by a few minutes per night, if at all.  While patients report significant improvement in sleep quality and quantity, the objective data of EEG's and observation shows a different story.  It seems these medications make the users feel they have effects that aren't really there.  In fact, after two weeks of use, there seems to be no research showing any benefit at all to these medications.

Sleeping Pills are addictive and create insomnia.  Believe it or not, the cure actually causes the disease in this case.  These medications change the chemistry of the brain enough that if not taken, the night following the dose will be significantly worse.  While night one may seem better, night two is going to be worse, unless you take it again.  But again, after two weeks of use, there is no benefit above a placebo, and now withdrawal becomes problematic, showing signs and symptoms similar to heroin addiction.

Sleeping Pills create an amnesia state.  It seems one of the reasons the patients believe they are sleeping better is that these medications create an amnesia so you don't remember you didn't sleep.  If you can't remember being awake, you must have been asleep, so they must be working.  And then, if you try to go off and you really can't sleep, they must really work then, right?

Sleeping Pills increase the risk of infections.  While these medications don't have a direct effect on the immune system, they do show a significant increase of infections in users.  It may be due to the GERD (gastrointestinal reflux) that they cause, which can break down the lung's resistance or something else, but infection rates definitely are higher.

Sleeping Pills cause cancer.  This is probably the most startling statistic the study confirmed that had been hinted at in earlier studies.  In those who use sleeping pills, new cancer rates were 20% and 35% higher in the top two highest user groups compared to those who don't take sleep aids.  Anything that increases cancer risk by that amount is extremely dangerous.  If there was a supplement that even had one tenth of that risk, it would be pulled from the shelves immediately by the FDA and banned forever.  A drug class that does it, however, is no big deal, and continues to be prescribed at an astounding rate.  Cancer risk is something we should e always looking to diminish, and yet, here we have multiple studies which show it's there with sleep aids.

When you look at what sleeping pills do, and compare them to what they are supposed to do (and don't), it is obvious that this class should be quickly pulled from the market, and only prescribed to help patients withdraw from the addiction they create.  If you are currently taking one of these medications, know that if you continue them for the next 30 months, you have somewhere between a 360% and 532% increased risk of dying than if you were able to stop them.  Since I am not a medical doctor, I cannot recommend anyone change anything about their prescription medications.  All I can do is warn you of what can happen if you continue to believe conventional medicine's lies.  There are better, safer, natural options out there than can help with insomnia, as I detailed in my blog Is It Bedtime Yet?.  One solution I didn't mention at the time includes the use of amino acids to balance brain chemistry, which has an extremely high effective rate in treating insomnia.

The decision to partake in the farce of sleeping pills is up to the individual, but so far, medicine hasn't been forthright in letting patients know the dangerous effects these medications have.  If given all of the information, we can make good decisions.  Unfortunately, you can't rely on conventional medicine to give you all the facts.  That means you have to seek out information on your own, and often will end up more informed than the one prescribing the treatment.  Know what you are putting in your body and how it can affect you.  In this case, what you don't know can kill you.

Look for future blogs that will give more information and insights into improving your health with natural health care.  You can also visit my website, like me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, or listen to my radio show.

For full text of the study mentioned, visit here or to view the lead author's web book on the subject, see Dark Side of Sleeping Pills.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Beating the Stressors

As I continue the series on stress, I want to talk about a few lifestyle changes that can have a profound impact on how stress affects the body.  Since it seems more and more of our stressors today are emotional (compared to physical or chemical), how we think and what we choose to do are of paramount importance.  Let's look at some different tools that should be in our stress coping toolbox.

While I have been interested in helping my patients better deal with stress, it wasn't until the Central MN Emergency Services Chaplaincy (www.cmeschapaincy.org) asked me to conduct a training for them that I really delved into coping strategies.  As I did, I found that religion, and Christianity specifically, has many stress reducing techniques built in.   

Reconciliation and Forgiveness.  One of the most important things we can do to reduce our stress load is to work on reconciliation and forgiveness.  Regardless of who was wrong to begin with, holding grudges and continuing to "simmer" does no one any good.  It is vitally important for us to forgive when we have felt wronged, and to reconcile with those who we believe have done that wrong.  As parents and educators, it is even more important for us to leave the kids alone and let them hash it out on their own.  As soon as you step in as a mediator, the reconciliation is difficult to achieve, especially for those who are close to begin with.  If they aren't close to coming to blows, leave them alone and let them work it out.  We need to learn we can't always do the fixing.  Forgive and forget...always.

Prayer and Rosary Beads.  Having someone you hold higher than yourself is important.  While many argue against religion, time and again research has shown that those who have a firm belief in a higher being and pray regularly have a better stress response.  For those Catholics specifically, praying the rosary has its own benefits as well.  Find your higher power, and pray...often.

Philanthropy and Altruism.  As I talked about in last week's blog, giving of yourself is vital for resiliency.  It also helps to offset much of the stress response.  When we are focused on helping others, our problems become less of a big deal, and the stress in our lives, while not diminished, becomes less important.  Give of yourself...often.

Social Support and Warm Touch.  This comes down to having a group of people who care about you, and letting yourself be touched by them.  After one morning where I was lecturing to peace officers, I had a complaint from their chief that they came back and started hugging everyone.  After I had a good laugh, I emphasized to him that what it meant was those officers felt they were cared for by his office, and wanted to show their support for him...with some warm touch, i.e. hug.  Now, every time I see him, I get a hug from the chief.  Parents, hug your kids and kids hug your parents.  Spend time with those you care about, and don't be afraid to express yourself with some warm touch.  Hug...a lot.

Intuitive Listening vs. Inner Dialogue - Tips on how to fight.  We all fight, especially with our spouse.  Whether we realize it or not, we fight with many others, just in less open ways.  Remember that fighting is a choice, and it has to be chosen by both.  There is no such thing as a one sided fight.  Unfortunately, most of us end up following our inner dialogue, which deepens the fight, instead of intuitively listening.  Our inner dialogue sounds like this.
   1. Inner dialogue starts...This guy is impossible.  I can't believe he did that.  What was he thinking?
   2. Defensiveness follows...It's not my fault this is happening, it's all on them.  I didn't do anything wrong.
   3. Depersonalization happens...What an idiot!  Would you listen to that moron!?
   4. Agitation and resentment is fostered...I'll show that SOB.
   5. Recruitment ensues...It's time to tell the world and get others on your side.
As we go down the road of inner dialogue, we only increase our stress level, often for no good reason.  If you think back to the last time you felt wronged, what did that person do?  Was it really worth the effort it took to fight, reconcile, and forgive?  The research shows us that if we can stop ourselves at step 1 or 2, we can head our stress off at the pass, and instead look towards reconciliation and forgiveness at a much earlier time, creating a whole lot less stress along the way.  When that little guy starts tapping you on the shoulder and urges you to fight, brush him off and tell him to take a hike, it's usually not worth it.  Fight only about important things...and don't rehash arguments.

Thankfulness.  There are books written about how to be more thankful, and if we all read them and took them to heart, we'd have a whole lot less stress in our lives.  Instead of focusing on what we don't have, if we instead focus on what we do, we have less stress.  Whether we thank a higher power, or just thank those around us, having an attitude of gratitude instead of one of expectancy will make us much happier.  Say thanks...to everyone.

Laughter.  Ever end up on the Comedy channel when you're angry?  How long before you flipped the channel or lost the anger?  Laughing has been shown to have profound healing effects on the body, and has a huge impact on stress reduction.  Seek out situations where you can laugh deeply and for a long time.  Some of my worst days brightened quickly by a simple statement that struck me as funny, and I ended up laughing so hard I ended up crying.  To be happy and healthy, laugh...lots and lots and lots and lots, and then some more.

This isn't an all inclusive list of things you can do to help deal with stress, but it does show some lifestyle changes we can all make that will not only lessen our stress, but make us happier and healthier along the way.  You can choose to change a few, but if you really look at the list, which one would you choose first?  They're all important to our emotional health.  Be proactive in beating stress; choose them all.

Look for future blogs that will give more information and insights into improving your health with natural health care.  You can also visit my website, like me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, or listen to my radio show.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Resilience vs. Vulnerability

Over the past several weeks' blogs, I have detailed many different ways that stress has a negative impact on the body.  While I could probably go on for another few months (and I may add more in the future), I think it's time to skip to the end of the book, and see what we can do to help offset these effects.  But, instead of the last page, let's just start the last chapter and look at the differences we see in people who are resilient compared to those who are vulnerable to the effects of stress.

Some of the best resiliency research compares average front line soldiers to those in special forces.  More and more, we are seeing soldiers coming home with serious physical and emotional problems due to the stress of being in war.  While we would think those that are in the highest stress situations (special forces) would have the worst problems, we in fact see the opposite.  The worst symptoms show in the average line troops who may or may not see much action.  Why is this?  What's the difference between Rangers, SEALs, Delta, Green Beret, and Force Recon compared to the average Joe?  What the research found gives us some insight into why some are resilient and others show susceptibility.  Here are traits of those who are more resilient.

Good intellectual functioning.  This is not to say those who are resilient are any smarter than those who aren't.  In fact, the opposite may well be true.  What this says, is that to be resilient, we need to use our brains effectively.  We need to think through problems and not just react to situations.  Keeping the brain active and working well helps to increase resiliency.

Effective regulation of emotions and attachment behaviors.  To be more resilient, you must keep your emotions from ruling your life.  Working to keep an even keel, and not swinging back and forth emotionally, leads to less stress response, and increased resiliency.  Also, being able to keep an emotional distance is important.  If you watch the news and see an item that is very disturbing, letting that gnaw at you when you cannot have any impact on it will just lead to more stress.  Keeping an objectiveness in things you can't control is a trait that is good to develop.

Positive self concept.  This comes down to respecting yourself and knowing you can do what you have to when it's necessary.  Self image and self esteem combine into your self concept.  There are many things you can do to improve your self concept, including recognizing your strengths, accentuating the positive in yourself, improving your attitude, and being around others who support your positivity.  On the flip side, you can easily develop a negative self concept by putting yourself down, having a bad attitude, and spending time with those who enjoy degrading you.

Optimism.  Those who have more resiliency are more optimistic than those who are vulnerable.  Does this mean you blindly always expect only the best to happen?  Doubtful.  Does it mean you generally expect that more good things will happen than bad?  Probably.

Altruism.  If you want to develop resiliency, altruism needs to be a priority.  Thinking of others before yourself, and acting on that, goes a long way to preventing stress from negatively affecting your body.  Unfortunately, from my experience in today's world, altruism seems to be drying up.  More and more it seems we are putting ourselves first and thinking we are more important than we truly are.  I believe part of the benefit of altruism is the happiness and joy we feel when those we help do well.

A capacity to convert traumatic helplessness into learned helpfulness.  We've all been in situations where we are totally helpless to either prevent something from happening or in making something come true.  We are frustrated in our woeful inadequacy and inability to change outcomes.  Those who are resilient learn from these situations, and when confronted with similar situations in the future, are better able to cope with it, or possibly change it before it happens.  It is important to apply what we've learned so we don't repeat the same mistakes.

Active coping style when confronted with a stressor.  When you are hit with a stressor, do you sit there and do nothing, allowing it to overwhelm you, or do you do something.  It may not even be doing something about the situation, but do you DO something?  Being active in the face of stress is important, and helps our bodies reset the response much more quickly.

Ability to bond with a group with a common mission.  Whether it's work, a community organization, church, a book club, or just a group hanging out together, do you spend time with others who share a common goal and mission?  We are social animals, and need to be with others who have similar goals and interests.  Being on our own for very long itself is a stressor.  Seek out others who you can bond with through common interests and goals.

Capacity to tolerate high levels of fear and still perform effectively.  Courage is not the absence of fear, just ask any soldier returning from duty overseas.  Courage is the ability to realize you may be terrified, but you still have to suck it up and get the job done.  Being frozen with fear is a terrible situation for the body and mind to be in, and we need to do whatever we can to push on and continue to function.  To begin with, we may need to rely on others' altruism to help us out, but eventually, we'll develop the strength to make it.

When you look at these traits, each and every one can be worked upon to improve in our lives.  Taking one and focusing on it for a week at a time can significantly improve the response your body will have to stressors, and can take you from a position of vulnerability to one of resilience.  Regardless of where you are now, you can always improve on these traits, transforming yourself from an average Joe to an elite, special ops stress beating commando.  Choose to improve your resiliency, your health and your life depend on it.

Look for future blogs that will give more information and insights into improving your health with natural health care.  You can also visit my website, like me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, or listen to my radio show.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Stress Is a Killer #5

In this week's blog, I want to take a closer look at the relationship cortisol has with some other major players in the hormone world.  Specifically, I'm going to delve into how stress, and it's end product cortisol, can create abnormal function of the thyroid gland, accelerating deterioration and aging.

The thyroid is a gland in the front of your neck that has two lobes, each of which is set slightly below and on the side of your larynx (voice box).  The major hormone it secretes is thyroxine, or T4.  It does this in response to a cascade of hormones that starts in the hypothalamus (the master controller), a part of the brain that is constantly sampling the blood for levels of everything from glucose and hormone levels to temperature and pressure.  When the hypothalamus senses low levels of thyroid hormones, it secretes Thyroid Releasing Factor (TRF), which travels a short distance to the pituitary gland.  The pituitary, located as deep inside the skull as you can get, then secretes Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).  Once TSH is released, it flows through the blood to the thyroid gland, and stimulates the release of T4.

In order for the thyroid to make T4, it needs certain raw materials, specifically iodine, selenium, vitamin E, tyrosine (a part of protein) and just the right amount of cortisol.  Providing it has all of these in the right amounts, it sends T4 out into the body.  Once there, T4 , really a pro-hormone, is converted to its active form, triiodothyronine (T3).  This step also needs certain factors present, namely selenium, vitamin E, and just the right amount of cortisol.

Every cell in your body has receptors on its surface for T3, which, once activated, have a profound effect on your physiology.  In a nutshell, when T3 stimulates those receptors, it speeds up your metabolic rate, or increases how much energy your body will burn at rest.  By doing this, it tells all of your cells how quickly to do their work.  With enough T3, your body has the ability to do its work at a normal pace and things work well.

With too much T3 (hyperthyroidism), the body is supercharged, and we end up seeing symptoms like anxiety, fast heart rate, high blood pressure, rapid breathing, elevated temperature, difficulty sleeping, bulging eyes, thin sweaty skin, tremors, fatigue, weight loss, increased appetite, weakness, loss of menstrual cycle, and frequent bowel movements.

Lack of T3 causes the opposite effects, and is termed hypothyroidism.  With this condition, we see symptoms like hoarse voice, puffiness around the eyes, cold intolerance, dry hair that falls out easily, coarse dry skin, weight gain, fatigue, lethargy, forgetfulness, slow heart rate, constipation, nerve disturbances like carpal tunnel syndrome, heavy menstrual flow, and anemia.  When you look at the symptoms of hypothyroidism as a whole, with a few exceptions, it looks very much like what we see in an aging person.  In fact, there are some who theorize that aging is a process of slowly developing hypothyroidism, and if we kept the thyroid function normal, we would see a slowing of this process.  While this is yet to be fully proven, it does show some interesting possibilities, especially since thyroid function can be influences quickly and relatively easily with proper diet and lifestyle changes added to targeted nutrition.

Frank hypothyroidism is rarely caused by stress and cortisol, but there is a condition termed Euthyroid Sick Syndrome (ESS), that can be.  In this condition, we see patients having many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, but when we look at their lab results, they look normal.  One of the issues with this condition is that in medicine, rarely do we look past the TSH test.  I believe this is paramount to profession wide malpractice, but it is all that is usually looked at.  In fact, this isn't even looking at thyroid function at all, but instead is peering at the pituitary's function.  TSH is often normal in patients, yet when I look closer at their complete thyroid panel, there are significant abnormalities.

In the patient whose body is functioning normally and has just the right amount of cortisol, the body will secrete the right amount of T4 and activate it to T3.  In those with high or low cortisol levels or those lacking adequate vitamin E or selenium, we see a different picture.  While some T4 will still be made, the body has a different pathway to make T3, and we end up with a different product.  Instead of activating T4 to T3, we get what is called reverse T3 (rT3).  It looks exactly like regular T3, but it is a mirror image.  It's no different than looking at your right hand compared to your left.  They normally have identical numbers of fingers and a thumb, but the thumb is on the opposite side.  If you put your left hand into a left handed glove, it works fine.  If instead, you put the right hand into that left handed glove, things don't work so well.  This is the case with rT3.

When the body has been exposed to high stress levels for extended periods, the body starts making less T4, and what T4 is made is then converted mostly to rT3, which changes how the body functions.  Without T3, the cells start going into a hypothyroid state, and we get sluggish metabolism.  With elevated rT3, we get these results exaggerated, since not only is the receptor blocked so T3 can't get there, but rT3 also shuts the receptor off, and can get stuck, just like a right hand in a left handed glove.  In this case, the body will recognize it has plenty of thyroid hormone, since there is plenty, but it's too much rT3, and things are shutting down, yet the TSH will be normal or even low.  According to medicine, the patient is fine, yet the reality is that they are far from fine.  Their body is functioning as someone who is hypothyroid, yet it is unrecognized.

I see patients who exhibit ESS on a regular basis, and it is a fairly straightforward condition to treat.  By doing a full thyroid lab workup, it is not that difficult to differentiate.  Once found, I can counsel the patient on avoiding things that will aggravate the condition, and we can target nutritional therapy to not only help the body make more T3 instead of rT3, but also help the adrenals function better and secrete the proper amount of cortisol.  Even frank hypothyroidism can be treated nutritionally, reducing the need for synthetic medications, all of which have some unwanted effects. 

As we continue this discussion on stress in future blogs, you'll see how stress affects all of the systems in our bodies, and we cannot be healthy if we are not addressing how our body reacts to stress.  Stress has a huge impact on thyroid function, and your body will deteriorate quickly and steadily if you ignore it.  For a long healthy life, stress must be addressed, its impact on the thyroid should be assessed, and appropriate therapies added to help regain its optimal function.

Look for future blogs that will give more information and insights into improving your health with natural health care.  You can also visit my website, like me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, or listen to my radio show.